The Winterbourne Press
The press is increasingly playing a role in undergraduate and postgraduate education. While in some cases enabling students from the University of Birmingham and elsewhere to carry out practical projects on the presses themselves, the press has also supported student placements, for instance in cataloguing and research. A University of Birmingham placement student in 2023 undertook a major piece of work on the collection of printing blocks from the Brookes Ward lighting company. The student spent time in the press printing some of the blocks and his own artwork with the help of the volunteers. A growing number of University of Birmingham undergraduates are presenting themselves as volunteers in the press, gaining valuable experience not only of printing but also of interacting with the public. Winterbourne is affiliated to the Centre for Printing History and Culture, and plans are underway for a more formal postgraduate educational offer. The press has also provided inspiration for secondary school work experience placements, in one instance resulting in the creation of artwork based on the press.
Skills Transfer
Through offering people the opportunity to volunteer in the press, Winterbourne is helping to ensure that letterpress printing skills are preserved and passed on. The current volunteer team includes people who have experience in the printing trade. These volunteers train others, and the team now attracts a significant number of students as well as older people wanting to gain new skills. Winterbourne has recently overhauled its volunteer programme, developing the journey for volunteers and tightening up on all aspects of health and safety. Printing volunteers therefore gain a full understanding of the health and safety implications of their roles, and can only carry out certain activities if they have been trained and their competency has been signed off. Frequent communications from the Director of Winterbourne and regular working lunch meetings ensure that the team functions effectively and is able to welcome and integrate new members.
Public engagement and workshops
Volunteers operate the presses during normal visiting hours, when the press is open to the public. Engagement with visitors is an essential part of their role, and feedback shows that meeting the volunteers and seeing the presses in operation can be the highlights of a visit to the site. Letterpress workshops have in the past proved extremely popular, and these will be revived in due course.