The Winterbourne Press
Future Plans
The potential of the Winterbourne Press is vast, and long-term plans are afoot to relocate some of the press’ operations to create more space for the volunteers to work and ultimately better space for public engagement, education, and workshops. In the next few years, new build in Winterbourne’s back-of-house area will free up existing workshop space which could be converted into a large printshop. In collaboration with Birmingham City University, short courses and a postgraduate module may be developed.
New acquisitions can also prompt ideas for the future; a recently-acquired litho press may enable the Winterbourne to branch out into different forms of printing. We need volunteers in this area so if you have time and relevant experience, please get in touch!
As part of a Creative Writing internship in 2022, University of Birmingham undergraduate Will Moran spent time with the printing volunteers. They wrote a poem in response which remains on display in the press room. The phrase ‘soft-toed in Converse’ refers to the health and safety restrictions in place when using the Heidelberg: protective footwear is mandatory.
The Printing Press
Setting up with lively chatter, swapping coffee
for stories. Phil, the compositor, quick and precise.
Under his hands, shining blocks of metal
come together to make art.
When Perry and Peta take me down to the machine,
they set to work breathing life into the room.
It floods my senses – the tang of ink in the air,
the lyrical whirr of the Heidelberg.
Soft-toed in Converse, I stay back and listen.
Perry starts the machine, the beast tamed in
his capable hands. He shows me a print,
points to the delicate haloes around the letters,
explains excessive pressure but all I think is –
human hands and human skill made this.
For your mother’s birthday card. For your
daughter’s graduation. Leaving an impression
on the paper and on all of us.
Will Moran